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Just quickly, a bit about me

Updated: Mar 31

I've always been fascinated by technology from a young age, and more specifically artificial intelligence, beginning way back when I started to program games on our family Commodor64 when I was a young boy. Between then and now I've toyed with lots and lots of proof of concepts ranging across many topics, and more recently in the past six years shifting my focus onto artificial intelligence with regards to human interface.

I'm not a qualified psychologist, neurologist or AI scientist, but what I am great at is problem-solving with software solutions in very creative ways, and this will likely be the toughest problem I will ever look to face.

At the moment nobody currently knows how human consciousness works, we don't even know how to adequately describe consciousness let alone be able to create consciousness in a machine. So you may think why would I even bother? Simply because it's a problem worth tackling even if I find 100 different ways how it WOULDN'T work. I will learn from each mistake or failed experiment, and others will too.

This research is a journey that could reshape our perception of artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness. Despite the uncertainties ahead, I'm driven by the belief that pushing AI boundaries could yield deep insights. I don't have all the answers, but I'm committed to exploring this with determination and humility.

Developing artificial consciousness isn't just about building smart machines; it's about grasping the essence of consciousness and its implications. It's a venture into unknown territory, with all its complexities. But it's an endeavour worth embarking on, not just for my own advancements, but for deeper insights into what makes us so human.

Join me on this adventure. Follow along as I navigate challenges, learn from failures, and hopefully, inch closer to unravelling the possibilities of AI consciousness.


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